Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Different timezone in WebLogic Logs and on OS

Check the time using the below commands,

If this is as expected then check below

hwclock --localtime

If this is incorrect then synchronise using below command, (with root)

 hwclock --systohc --localtime

 or you add the below startup parameter in weblogic,


 but I think it is OS related issue so better you resolve it on OS. 

Sunday, 17 May 2020

SOA Database Purge Steps

SOA 12c database purge scripts

To check the purgeable instances,

select state, count(*) from cube_instance group by state;

Purge script,

execute soa.delete_instances ( to_timestamp('01-01-2016','MM-DD-YYYY'),to_timestamp('01-01-2020','MM-DD-YYYY'),20000,60,to_timestamp('01-03-2020','MM-DD-YYYY'),true,null,null,null,true);

Link for reference -

Parameter details starting from (
1. min_creation_date Minimum creation period in days for the business flow instances.
2. max_creation_date Maximum creation period in days for the business flow instances.
3. batch_size Maximum number of flows selected for deletion. The default value is 20000.
4. max_runtime Expiration time at which the purge script exits the loop
5. retention_period  Specify the time interval in days for which to retain data.
6. purge_partitioned_component  You can invoke the same purge to delete partitioned data.
7. 7. Null,null, null   are place holder.
8. ignore_state hen set to true, purges all open and closed instances within the specified date range

Execute the script using SOAINFRA.

Note- Without null parameter we were getting the place holder issue.