Friday, 10 June 2016

Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup '' didn't find subcontext 'bpm'. Resolved 'ejb'

Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup '' didn't find subcontext 'bpm'. Resolved 'ejb'
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
        ... 9 more
Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup '' didn't find subcontext 'bpm'. Resolved 'ejb'
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookupHere(
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.ServerNamingNode.lookupHere(

We faced this issue after extend a domain for process-space-extension.
After importing the portal template. Trying to login on webcenter portal then we got this error on portal server.

Configure the Policy store for both soadomain and webcenter domain.

For SOA domain while creating a datasource enable a "Emulate TwoPhase Commit".Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup '' didn't find subcontext 'bpm'. Resolved 'ejb'
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
        ... 9 more
Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup '' didn't find subcontext 'bpm'. Resolved 'ejb'
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookupHere(
        at weblogic.jndi.internal.ServerNamingNode.lookupHere(

We faced this issue after extend a domain for process-space-extension.
After importing the portal template. Trying to login on webcenter portal then we got this error on portal server.

Configure the Policy store for both soadomain and webcenter domain.

For SOA domain while creating a datasource for policy store enable a "Emulate TwoPhase Commit".

javax.transaction.xa.XAException: JDBC driver does not support XA, hence cannot be a participant in two-phase commit

aused by: javax.transaction.xa.XAException: JDBC driver does not support XA, hence cannot be a participant in two-phase commit. To force this participation, set the GlobalTransactionsProtocol attribute to LoggingLastResource (recommended) or EmulateTwoPhaseCommit for the Data Source = OPSSDS
        at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl.prepare(
        at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.prepare(
        at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.prepare(
        at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerSCInfo.startPrepare(
        at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.localPrepare(
        at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.globalPrepare(
        at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.internalCommit(

This error occured when we configured database policy store with SOA domain.

Enable the "Emulate TwoPhase Commit" instead of "one-Phase commit" for the OPSS data source

Thursday, 9 June 2016

nested exception is: java.rmi.ConnectException: This RJVM has already been shutdown

INFO: Found persistence provider "org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider". OpenJPA will not be used.
<Jun 9, 2016 11:52:48 PM PDT> <Warning> <> <BEA-000000> <The definition at oracle.webcenter.webcenterapp.bindings.DataBindings.cpx, uses a pagemap pattern match that hides other cpx files.>
oracle.bpm.client.common.BPMServiceClientException: javax.naming.NamingException [Root exception is java.rmi.UnexpectedException: Marshalling: ; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.ConnectException: This RJVM has already been shutdown 4882431698259664306S:admvhn:[7001,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]:soadomain:AdminServer]
        at oracle.bpm.client.BPMServiceClientFactory.getBPMUserAuthenticationService(
        at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(
        at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
        at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$

Check the DNS names resolution and AdminServer listen address.
If you have enabled a cross domain trust then AdminServer listen address should not be same

Repalace the Listen Address with IP address for Admin and SOA server.    

Framework Folders version on Oracle WebCenter Content Server is not supported for Oracle WebCenter Portal. The supported versions are 2.1 and later.

<Jun 9, 2016 8:36:03 AM PDT> <Error> <oracle.webcenter.doclib.internal.spaces.UCMSpacesUtils> <WCS-07926> <Framework Folders version on Oracle WebCenter Content Server is not supported for Oracle WebCenter Portal. The supported versions are 2.1 and later.
oracle.webcenter.doclib.core.UCMCoreException: Framework Folder version (2.0) not supported.
        at oracle.webcenter.doclib.core.UCMCoreRepositoryLogic.validateFrameworkFoldersVersion(
        at oracle.webcenter.doclib.core.UCMCoreRepositoryLogic.setDocLibFolderingService(
        at oracle.webcenter.doclib.internal.spaces.UCMSetupHandler.setDocLibFolderingService(
        at oracle.webcenter.doclib.internal.spaces.UCMSetupHandler.getCurrentInstance(
        at oracle.webcenter.sharepoint.servlet.ContextListener.contextInitialized(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager$
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager.notifyContextCreatedEvent(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadResources(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.start(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(


Install WebCenter Content Patch 18088049 and restart the WebCenter Content managed server.

Monday, 6 June 2016 NodeManager shows inactive in WebLogic console

Add the below parameter in the file


restart the nodemanager

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

WebLogic patch with Smart Update Utility

Below are the steps to apply patches on weblogic using the smart update utility.

1. Stop all WebLogic servers.

2.  unzip patch to {MW_HOME}/utils/bsu/cache_dir or any local directory
   Note: You must make sure that the target directory for unzip has required write and executable permissions
         for "user" with which the component being patched is installed.

3. Navigate to the {MW_HOME}/utils/bsu directory.
 To Apply patch -
 - Execute -install -patch_download_dir={MW_HOME}/utils/bsu/cache_dir -patchlist={PATCH_ID} -prod_dir={MW_HOME}/{WL_HOME}
   Where, WL_HOME is the path of the WebLogic home
 To Remove patch -
 - Stop all WebLogic Servers
 - Navigate to the {MW_HOME}/utils/bsu directory.
 - Execute -remove -patchlist={PATCH_ID} -prod_dir={MW_HOME}/{WL_HOME}

4. Check WebLogic Version -

 The following command is a simple way to determine the application of WebLogic Server PSU.

  $ . $WL_HOME/server/bin/
  $ java weblogic.version